Entries by admin


This week, Arduino announced a lot of new hardware including an exceptionally interesting FPGA development board aimed at anyone wanting to dip their toes into the seas of VHDL and developing with programmable logic. We think it’s the most interesting bit of hardware Arduino has released since their original dev board, and everyone is wondering what the […]

SparkFun and the Future of Arduino

SparkFun and the Future of Arduino Much has been made about the on-going (and seemingly far from over) Arduino v. Arduino SRL saga. On one side is Arduino, which was founded by Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, David Mellis, Tom Igoe and Gianluca Martino back in 2009. This is the Arduino where you have probably gone to participate […]

Maker UNO Simplifies Arduino,less cost

The engineers at Cytron Technologies worked with educators at the Arus Academyin Selangor, Malaysia to develop a better Arduino tool. As a teaching tool they felt that current Arduino boards were too difficult for students with no existing knowledge of electronics. Circuit diagrams at the beginning of lessons required several connections and much of the time was spent […]

Designing an Arduino-powered split-flap display Create a coffee notification system

Posted by:ARDUINO TEAM — February 22nd, 2018 Moscow-based artist ::vtol:: is back again with an interesting interactive exhibit entitled “you, me and all these machines.” His latest work, a collaboration with Lovozero, allows two participants to produce otherworldly vocals together. One participant wears the device, which points a directional microphone under the control of the other participant at her mouth […]

Playing chiptunes on an old reed organ with Arduino

Posted by:ARDUINO TEAM — January 3rd, 2018 After finding an organ left outside to rot, hacker “tinkartank” decided to use it for his own purposes, adding push buttons under each key as inputs to an Arduino Mega. He also reused the control rods with potentiometers as a secondary input method, and added a tiny OLED […]

UK London BETT Excel Education Show – Okystar

After Hongkong Electronic on Oct.2017,Okystar has taken part in Bett Excel Education Show as Exhibitor.In this time,gladly we are willing to invite each VIP clients to our booth. Aim to improve the child’ and adults Electronic programming ability,many new manuals have been provided and customized with different users. In this time,some new products around arduino,raspberry PI,microbit,which will […]


You know the atmosphere, when the whole city packs into the dark in the evening, stops blowing cars and everything gets calmer and slower. The aroma of the approaching Christmas is carried by the air, and the lights can be set in the streets in a mysterious parade full of lights and colors. Yes, we […]

This Smart Jacket Could Save Millions Of Children’s Lives

November 12th was World Pneumonia Day. The annual event is dedicated to raising the awareness about pneumonia, the leading killer of children under the age of five. According to the World Health Organization, pneumonia is one of the most solvable problems in global health, and yet a child dies from the infection every 20 seconds. […]

ESP Alarm: Make an IoT, Wi-Fi Enabled Alarm Clock with an ESP8266

The “ESP Alarm” is a connected alarm with your smart phone via Wi-Fi using ESP8266 module. You can add/modify/delete/activate/deactivate alarms using an Android application when the device is up and connected with the same Wi-Fi network which your phone is connected to. It’s common to set-up alarms using our mobile phones to wake up in […]

Uno Multitasking! How to Use Milli in Uno R3 Code

Delay statements are great and all, especially for their simplicity, but they can really put a damper on things when trying to multitask your Arduino. Forget delay and hop on the millis() train!     BOM: Arduino Uno LED and 220R resistor or Texas Instruments LM2758   Why? It’s pretty easy to just throw in […]